Earthworks Modelling
Cut and Fill analysis for Civil Engineering Contractors, Engineers and Architects,
Earthworks are usually the biggest cost component in civil engineering projects, but they're also one of the most difficult to estimate accurately.
Most earthworks models are created with pen and paper or Excel spreadsheets which means that they're inaccurate. This leads to over-designing projects, delays in construction and costly mistakes.
I offer cut/fill analysis services for Civil 3D design software users. I can help you estimate the quantity of earthworks that need to be excavated considering geological strata for advanced cut/fill modelling and generating quantities of different soil materials to calculate cut/fill balance and minimise haul distances and material removed offsite. In addition, I also review design proposals submitted for Tender and verify proposed Cut & Fill quantities using my expertise in Civil 3D software.
My services include determining the number of cuts required by taking into account topography, existing infrastructure, drainage requirements etc., calculating volume based on cut size / slope / length, identifying fill material sources from property boundaries or other locations within the site limits as well as creating detailed cross sections showing where fills are located along roadways or waterways etc...
I have a deep understanding of how to use Cut and Fill analysis in order to create highly detailed models that are accurate. I also review design proposals submitted for tenders, verifying proposed quantities of cut or fill with our contractors before they bid on jobs. I am committed to making sure your projects go smoothly by providing expert advice about what it takes from start to finish
​My service includes:
3D Earthworks modelling
Cut and Fill Analysis
Earthworks Estimating
Formation level modelling based on provided model
Isopachytes plan generation
Earthworks Quantities checking